Sunday, May 31, 2009

whiskey serious.

andy met the fam this weekend and it was great. i think i'm falling in something. maybe the big L, maybe the big like, maybe a big pot of cuteness. whatever it is, i like it. and i finally brought up the whole past girlfriend question. it took me a long time, i think bc i was embarrassed that i didn't have any history really. i had this notion that if he found out i didn't ever have a boyfriend he would think i was a loser or see how innocent i was in high school and not want me anymore. but that is not the case. no no. we are in like with each other for sure. !

and i'm going to peru for three weeks this summer. and i'm volunteering with disabled kids in the outdoors. and i'm working at a farmer's market (...and gap kids...don't really want to brag about that). but i'm feeling cool again and i feel like my life is worth something again. i really think there is a correlation b/w volunteering and how happy i am. when i'm not giving back i feel like i'm missing something. so. note to self: always volunteer. there is always time to give away to others who need it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

time can change me but i can't change time

i can't believe how fricking fast things/life/years go by. there's only three weeks left of school? when did that happen? i only have 4 quarters left before i can graduate? what's that about? what the FUCK is that about? what the fuck am i going to do with my life?

an entire month passed since last time i posted. what happened? alotalotalotalot.alot.agoodlot.anamazinglot.