Thursday, March 27, 2014

sand & thirst

Hay humeda aca. muy humeda. y hace muchisimo calor. but that's what i signed up :) sand in between things it shouldn't be between, my body craving water but reaching for another beer, too much sun, strangers, dancing, cheap dorm beds, sweatysweatysweaty, salty hair, fresh papitas for 80 cents. life is good. la pura vida.

i'm settling into the traveler's life. i was scared at first. didn't want to talk to people. didn't want to seem uncool to all these cool world travelers. but wait, i am cool. i've done cool things. i've traveled to the same beach town in the same cool way and i actually live here. why be scared? why not make mistakes in spanish? why not talk to people? i can't go on random adventures with new friends if i stick to myself all the time. so...mission for next week: talk to at least one person a day! i don't mind having a transition week where i use the internet a lot and get coffee by myself while i study spanish in a little cafe. i don't mind sunbathing alone or just smiling at people as they pass instead of learning about their entire lives. that's ok. but i need to push myself a little i think. pienso que si.

3 weeks on trail tired me out. but hopefully 2 weeks in the sun will build me up. and i'm going to get fit and healthy. i've already run on the beach and in the jungle. it feels good.

ok got to go surfing now :)